I had read about this new section of Innoventions on allearsnet.com and thought it sounded fun. The Great Piggy Bank Adventure is a game that you can play to teach you about the importance of financial planning. First you pick a goal....the ultimate vacation, retirement, college fund, or bedroom remodel. Then you get your pig. I just loved the pig! You proceed to play three games:
1st - a game to try to direct your money between saving and spending
2nd - a game about inflation and how the wolf takes your money
3rd - a game about spreading the money into different investments so the wolf can't get it.
At the end you weigh your pig to see if you reached your goal.
We came close but did not reach our ultimate vacation but we had a blast playing! I LOVE THE PIG!
Oh!, I want to PLAY!!! Pretty Please!!!???? I need carpeting.